Industrial designs, models and copyright


A design or model is a title deed intended to protect a creation by conferring an operating monopoly for a maximum of 25 years. An industrial design or model aims to protect the aesthetic and purely ornamental aspects of a product.

To protect a design or model, a creation must meet the following legal criteria :

  • be concrete (a simple idea, concept, or genre cannot be protected),
  • be apparent,
  • be ornamental,
  • be novel,
  • possess individual character.

The filing of a design or model requires particular care and cannot be improvised: the monopoly that will be obtained will depend directly on the indications and representations used at the time of filing. Our team is able to assist you by preparing the representations and filing and representing your interests during the examination procedure of your design or model application to adequately protect your creation—in France and internationally.

A design or model also requires regular monitoring and actions to be taken according to legal deadlines that are mandatory for the design or model to be maintained in force. Our team is built to manage patent monitoring in a timely, accurate, and reliable manner. 

A creation may also benefit, under certain conditions, from copyright protection. There are no specific actions to be performed to obtain a copyright. However, it is prudent to protect your rights by performing acts that ensure that your copyright can be properly enforced against third parties.

Our team is able to assist you in preparing and recording effective proof of your copyright.

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